IP address (Internet Protocol services)

What is an IP address ?

A computer connected to the internet must have a unique address in order to communicate across the internet . Internet protocol(IP) address is assigned uniquely to every computer connected to the internet. IP address is provided by the ISP whose services you use to connect to your computer to the internet. IP address is a strings of numbers consisting of four parts, where each parts is a number between 0 and 255. an IP address look like Since IP address are numeric, it is difficult to remember everyone's IP address. so instead of IP address domain name is used.

IP stands for Internet protocol . it is define in the TCP/IP model used for sending for the packets from the sources to the destination. the main task of IP address is to deliver the message/Information/packets from the source to the destination available in the packet headers.

Working of IP address 

The working of IP address is similar to the others languages. it can also use some set of rules to send or receive information. using this protocol we can easily send or receive the data or files to the connected devices.

Types of IP address 

There are two types of IP address:
1.IPv4 and (32 bits address)
2.IPv6 (128 bits address).

1. IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4. It consists of 4 numbers separated by the dots. Each number can be from 0-255 in decimal numbers. But computers do not understand decimal numbers, they instead change them to binary numbers which are only 0 and 1. Therefore, in binary, this (0-255) range can be written as (00000000 – 11111111). Since each number N can be represented by a group of 8 digit binary digits. So, a whole IPv4 binary address can be represented by 32-bits of binary digits. In IPv4, a unique sequence of bits is assigned to a computer, so a total of (2^32) devices approximately = 4,294,967,296 can be assigned with IPv4.

IPv4 can be written as:

Classes of IPv4 Address:

IP ClassAddress RangeMaximum number of networks
Class A0-127128
Class B128-19116384
Class C192-2232097157
Class D224-239Reserve for multitasking
Class E240-254Reserved for Research and development
2. IPv6: But, there is a problem with the IPv4 address. With IPv4, we can connect only the above number of 4 billion devices uniquely, and apparently, there are much more devices in the world to be connected to the internet. So, gradually we are making our way to IPv6 Address which is a 128-bit IP address. In human-friendly form, IPv6 is written as a group of 8 hexadecimal numbers separated with colons(:). But in the computer-friendly form, it can be written as 128 bits of 0s and 1s. Since, a unique sequence of binary digits is given to computers, smartphones, and other devices to be connected to the internet. So, via IPv6 a total of (2^128) devices can be assigned with unique addresses which are actually more than enough for upcoming future generations.

IPv6 can be written as:


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